Welcome to the 2011 SVU Annual Conference Blog

Come join us at the 2011 SVU Annual Conference, held in conjunction with the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) at the 2011 Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM). The SVU Annual Conference and the VAM brings vascular technologists/sonographers, vascular physicians, and vascular lab directors to one exhibit hall to experience new technologies, learn the latest scientific research, and network with other vascular ultrasound professionals.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

2011 SVU Technical Showcase on Friday, June 17th

Over the years technology has helped to shape the profession of vascular ultrasound as we know it today. From the discovery of piezoelectricity by Pierre Curie, the invention of the stethoscope by René Laennec, the technique of blood pressure measurement discovered by Nikolai Korotkoff, to the invention of an ultrasound device to detect submarines by Paul Langevin, there has been a long history of pioneers who have paved the way for the technology and techniques we may take for granted today.

Uhhh...does it come with a gel warmer?

Especially for new graduates like myself, it's hard to imagine that there was a time when a vascular clinician did not rely on storing images on hard drives, or "cine mode", or color imaging, or even imaging itself.

Today the legacy of developing technology for the use of vascular ultrasound rests on the shoulders of some amazing companies. These companies include familiar names such as GE Healthcare, Philips Healthcare, Parks, Hokanson, Toshiba, Unetixs, and Esaote. Other names that may not develop ultrasound technology directly, but provide vital services, management of patient data, ICAVL accreditation, research of new imaging techniques, and clinical care solutions include BioMedix, CareFusion, Surgidex, Medstreaming, DatachecK, HPSO, BNAC, and Navix Diagnostix. There's other great companies that provide educational and ergonomic products (super important!) such as Pegasus Lectures, Vascular-Web.com, and Sound Ergonomics. And then there's ARDMS and CCI, whom new vascular ultrasound graduates tend to fear.

We're really happy to have these companies and organizations as sponsors for the 2011 SVU Annual Conference. Eight of these organizations will be at the conference including: GE Healthcare, Medstreaming, Biomedix, Philips Healthcare, CareFusion, Hokanson, Esoate North America, and Surgidex.

Therefore, it's highly recommended that all visitors this year come to the 2011 SVU Technical Showcase on Friday June 17th, 2011 from 7:00am-8:15am. There really isn't any other time or place where you'll get so many different companies to check out and hands-on demonstrations with the latest technology and services.


Vascular clinicians and the companies that develop technology and solutions for them have always had a close-knit relationship. You may have spoken to someone from a company over the phone, or emailed them when a problem occurred, or perhaps met with a former colleague-turned-applications specialist. But in any case, there is no better way to create a relationship and have good old fashioned "face-to-face" contact with these companies than at the 2011 SVU Annual Conference.

The vascular ultrasound world is a rather small community. Vascular clinicians and the companies that develop technology and solutions for us are really "in it together" when it comes to providing the best care for all our patients. So come out, have some breakfast with us, and show some love at the 2011 SVU Technical Showcase on Friday June 17th, 2011 from 7:00am-8:15am.

Manny :)